Boom poles and a lack of Halo

Hello to all my avid readers…. Anyway, I have been somewhat busy over the last week and haven’t been able to muster up enough time to post. I was house hunting last weekend and found a house that we really liked. We went on Monday to put a deposit down but it had already been taken >.< We were so angry. Anyway, we spoke to the lady at the office and she recommended a few houses that we ought to look at and we went back to the house hunting on Monday. With a stroke of luck, we managed to find a house that was nicer than the one we were going to put a deposit down on, so it all worked out pretty well.

We’ve been working in the studio here at the Uni for the last week and it has been pretty good fun. Although, I ended up standing on a chair and holding a boom pole above my head for an hour and a half straight. I felt like I had a chronic case of wanker’s cramp by the end of that time. What made it worse was that I was the only person in a group of 20 who had to actually hold the boom pole. Everyone else who was delegated the task of doing ‘sound’ had to stick some radio mics on people and forget about it. I’m such a tool.

I’ve also been too busy to play Halo 3. I know. I was so busy. I might muster up a couple of games today though, for I have nothing to do. I did however just post on a blog about abortion and how their argument regarding potentiality is completely illogical and, at the end of the day, wrong.

~ by robertftaylor on January 22, 2009.

One Response to “Boom poles and a lack of Halo”

  1. remember……THERE IS A GOD AND THAT IS FACT!!!

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